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Friday, November 12, 2010

Please help me with the Haul-idays!

I know, I know. I always complain about the awful C day, but this time, it's not actually about that, it's about helping me win $500 worth of books- and if I'm picked, one lucky commenter on this here blog will get the books listed below!  So comment and enter yourself to win:)

Love and peace,

My list of Chronicle Books favorites I'd love to win:

The White Stripes Under Great White Northern Lights by Autumn de Wilde and Jim Jarmusch

Elliott Smith by Autumn de Wilde- includes live cd!

Sexy Book of Sexy Sex by Kristen Schaal

Let's Bring Back: An Encyclopedia of Forgotten-Yet-Delightful, Chic, Useful, Curious, and Otherwise Commendable Things from Times Gone By by Leslie M. Blume

The Exquisite Book

Rift by James Jean

Anna Sui By Andrew Bolton, Jack White, Anna Sui, Steven Meisel

DC Comics: The 75th Anniversary Poster Book Quirk Books By Robert Schnakenberg, Paul Levitz

This is NPR by Cokie Roberts et al

Bangs: A Sketchbook by David Choe

Kindling by James Jean

I hope you enjoy finding out about these titles and more over at Chronicle Books.



  1. Yeah, I'm always up for more books! Good luck to us!

  2. I love books too. I used to love to read, I really don't have much time for that now, but I still read every morning for about 30 minutes. No matter, I love books.....Great and wonderful luck and wishes to all of us, with special blessings wished for Ms. Ashley

  3. That DC poster book looks great.

  4. Thanks! That is actually the book I most want on this list:)

  5. I hadn't even realized Chronicle published the Autumn de Wilde book when I read it a few years ago! They always amaze me. It is a wonderful book!

  6. I really want that Elliott Smith book, too!

  7. Love NPR, can't wait to read that book. Good luck@

  8. Great list. The Exquisite Book is at the top of my to read list. Sounds fascinating.

    BookNoise at gmail dot com

  9. I'd love to read that NPR book! I can't stop listening. Thanks for sharing your list!

    mrsderaps @ hotmail . com

  10. I think the NPR book looks super cool!

    Thanks for commenting on my list!

  11. Great list! I particularly like the NPR book.

    I love Chronicle - this is such a generous giveaway.

    Thanks for the entry.

    gaby317nyc at

  12. sexy book of sexy sex? well, why not, sounds like an interesting list of books.
    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  13. I love your list! I hope you win!!! Stop by my blog to check out my list too!

    jamie.l.torres at gmail dot com

  14. Good luck, Reniazen!

  15. I love books for myself and for gift giving, and I think this contest is absolutely awesome. Thanks Reniazen for giving me another chance to win.

    I also have a list from Chronicle Books over at my website, LadySilk's Regency Romance Revival--plus the chance to win a beautiful near mint Vintage Romance Comic Bbook Perfect Love from drop by there for your a second chance to win this contest, plus a chance to win the vintage comic.

    Smiles and Happy Haulidays,

  16. Neat list! Thakns for visiting the blog!

  17. Sweet picks; I must have missed some of these on my list. But hopefully one of us wins so we can share the wealth! :)

  18. what a great list! here's hoping we win!

    k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com

  19. The DC comics book looks really cool

  20. Very fun!

    situationswhereyoumayneedit at gmail dot com

  21. Thank you all!
    @Haylee- you and me both, I would be superbly happy to win:)

  22. What a great list of books!


  23. Fabulous choices, especially the NPR book!
    Lilyhoot at gmail dot com


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